Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Sorcerer's Apprentice 2010 Jon Turteltaub

Oh, how I wish I was 8 years old.  Because if I was 8 years old, I would absolutely LOVE this movie.  I'm not 8 anymore, so it wasn't the greatest movie of all time to me ( that would be Jaws).  It's pretty entertaining, though.  The special effects are extremely well done.  Nicolas Cage is phoning it in for the most part.  Jay Baruchel - welcome to character roles for the rest of your life.  Too nerdy for the masses.  And Alfred Molina, you make every movie better, you really do.

So Jay Baruchel plays a guy named Dave.  Dave is a student at NYU, and he's working on an experiiment involving Nikolai Tesla's theories about electricity.  Dave loves this girl, but he's too painfully awkward to ask her out.  She's gorgeous, of course.  Now if only Dave can muster the courage to ask her out, she'll totally say yes, since she'll see how unbelievably awesome Dave is when he wows her with his Dave-ness.

Then Nicolas Cage and Alfred Molina get released from an urn, look up Dave - he's supposed to have a doll with the evil sorceress Morgana Le Fay in it - and fight for the doll.  Nicolas Cage is also trying to release Monica Bellucci from the doll, because she's Monica Bellucci.  Lots of special effects ensue.

It's a Disney movie, so it's pretty lame in parts.  I mean, it is based on the Fantasia Mickey Mouse cartoon, so you can't expect too much.  If you were to compare this movie and the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, they're pretty much equally entertaining.  Johnny Depp's performance gives Pirates the edge, but if you have young children who need to be entertained, you could do a lot worse than The Sorcerer's ApprenticeHaunted Mansion, anyone?

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