Friday, May 13, 2011

Hanna 2011 Joe Wright

I put off seeing this movie for a while.  I thought the trailer was fantastic, but I thought there was no way the movie could live up to it.  Besides, they give away the whole thing in the trailer, don't they?  Nope.  This movie is awesome.  I spent most of my time in the theater thrilled that I was watching a movie as uncompromising and balls out as this one.

This movie concerns a young girl named Hanna (Saoirse Ronan, Atonement) who lives with her father (Eric Bana, Hulk) near then North Pole.  She knows nothing of the outside world, except what her father taught her.  Plus, he's trained her to be a kick ass assassin (but not in the way that Nicholas Cage taught his annoying daughter in the excruciatingly stupid Kick Ass) so one day the can take down her family's big bad wolf, Marissa Wiegler (Cate Blanchett, Elizabeth).

One day, she decides she's ready.  Dad disappears with instructions to meet up in Germany.  The CIA comes busting in and snatches Hanna up.  This is where the fun starts.  It becomes one long chase, with Hanna desperately trying to meet her father in an abandoned amusement park dedicated to the Brothers Grimm.  Whoever found this place or designed it is amazing.  The whole movie, in fact, looks like one big fairy tale, with their house by the North Pole, the amusement park, the German club where Marissa recruits a scary German guy and his cohorts to hunt Hanna down - it's all fantastic.  There's even a nod to Jean-Jacques Beineix's film Diva worked into this movie.

I never would have expected this kind of movie from the same guy that directed Atonement and The Soloist, but maybe he was just as tired of directing sensitive period dramas and uplifing human stories as most people are of seeing them.  It was especially nice to see a movie that doesn't cheat it's ending or sugarcoat it for the audience.  It did seem, though, that this movie was edited down from it's original version in order to obtain a PG-13, but it doesn't matter.  It was kind of nice that not everything was spelled out.  So pay attention when you go see this and you'll have one of the best times at the movies this year.

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