Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Spit On Your Grave 2010 Steven R. Monroe

Since it's become commonplace to remake all of the old '70's horror films, it was just a matter of time before someone decided to remake I Spit On Your Grave.  I don't have a problem with remakes as such, but if you're going to remake a movie, at least try to do something original since you're already being derivative in the first place.

No such luck.  The setup in this new one is pretty much the same.  Pretty girl goes to the middle of nowhere to work on her book, has a run-in with the local gas station attendants who decide they have to teach this upppity city mouse the error of her ways.  They have the same retarded friend who tags along and becomes part of the unfortunate goings on at her cabin.  Now for the "inspired" changes.  One of the friends, the fat one, likes to videotape things, so it just figures that he would like to videotape the brutalization of the city girl. Oh, and the chief of police joins in this time.  Shocking!  No one will save her!  Meh....

After the rape is over, the girl stumbles to a bridge and falls in the river below.  Since no body is found, life goes back to normal in Hillbillyville.  You just know that sooner or later the girl will show up to exact her revenge, it just takes forever.  A month or so later, there she is!  Dangly parts everywhere are put on alert!

In the original film, the girl's revenge was at least portrayed slightly realistically.  In the new one, said revenge is based strictly in the Saw universe of revenge.  She's had about a month, see, so she used that time to concoct diabolical plans concerning her attackers' orifices and lives.  Makes total sense.

So there you have it.  If you want to see this movie, you'll see it.  But honestly, the most shocking thing in it is the appearance of Tracey Walter,  who played Miller, the philosopher mechanic in Repo Man.  I thought he'd been dead for years, so when I saw him I was so happy  that I forgave this movie pretty much everything.  But it is pretty crappy.  It's true.

The DVD has a commentary with the director, a documentary about remaking the original movie, deleted scenes, and trailers.  I'd like to say I watched them, but I'd be lying.  I'd also like to say I was so disturbed by this movie that I couldn't watch them, but that's not true either.  I just couldn't be bothered.

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