Thursday, March 3, 2011

Revanche 2008 Gotz Spielmann

It's about a guy who makes a bad decision, his girlfriend pays for it, and he wants to take revenge on those responsible for his current girlfriendless situation.  In layman's terms.  I could dress it up all flowery and tell you about the truths it expresses regarding human interaction and how, you know, we never really "know" one another, and how we should all be nicer to each other, because we never know what we might have done offhandedly to someone and how it hurts them for weeks, months, and years to come, but I won't.  Because I don't want to watch a movie to learn a life lesson.  I want to be entertained, or at least interested.  I was interested in this movie for about half of it's 2 hour running time, but I watched it because it's a Criterion movie, and mostly those are at least watchable.  This one is for a while, then you're just trapped in a moralistic prison of your own making, because you won't hit stop on the DVD player.  Do it.  It doesn't make you a bad person.  Do it.  You'll feel better.  I promise.

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